
5K for 25!

At around October of 2014, it hit me like a ton of bricks that my birthday would be coming up soon. 
And this was not going to be just another birthday, it was going to be my 25th-quater century-lifechanging birthday.

In that moment of realization, I wanted to make sure that I did something for my birthday that would mean something to my life. I could have YOLO'ed it up at some club and celebrated with friends. Or catered to my inner hungry girl with a cake and ice cream.

But those things would not have made me, at 25, any better than I was at 24.
So, I ran.

I ran and completed my first 5k. Which to anyone who knows me is a huge feat. Out of all the things that I love about fitness, running is at the bottom of the list. I am just NOT a runner. I struggle with controlling my breathing and pushing through those mental running barriers.

It is that reason that I wanted to run for my birthday. I signed myself up for the St. Pete Beach Classic and decided that I was going to complete the race. And I did.

I'm not going to lie and say it was easy. Because for me it wasn't. For many a 5K is literally a walk in the park, for me it was a mental game of constantly pushing myself to the limit.

As I crossed the finish line, I had more energy than I had when I began the race. I felt accomplished and proud beyond belief. That moment was worth more to me than an evening on the town. My feet crossing the finish line symbolized a new era, a new me. A Lex that could do some much more than she believed she could. 

Seriously, that moment was priceless.

Anywho, I have to give props to the folks that helped me make it! lol My Benj who ran the ENTIRE race with me and pushed me to finish in an awesome time. And my Mom ( " you the real MVP!"),  who was the only other person I told in the world that I was going to attempt the race and supported me all the way.

I can't really explain how awesome it feels, to finish this. Words just cannot describe.
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