
Monday Blues!

I can't believe Monday is already here! After a super long weekend full of Holiday fun, it's back to work.
I can't help but have a pretty bad case of the Monday Blues. The Monday Blues creep up on me around 7:00 p.m Sunday evening and last the duration of the next work day. But today, I'm planning on beating the Monday Blues with these 3 tips!

1. Have Something Planned For Monday Night

Have you ever been excited for the weekend that your your entire week seems to fly past? It's the anticipation of an amazing weekend of fun that keeps us going throughout the week.

Applying this same theory to your Monday will help your day go by faster! Plan to have something fun to do Monday evening and watch as your day moves along a lot faster. 
I personally Have my evening Zumba class to attend directly after work. It's super fun and something special for me to look forward to every week.

2. Get Social!

Interacting with others  at work is a great war to get your week going. Chances are your co-workers are suffering from the same Monday Blues you are, so ask them how their weekend went and what they have planned for the week. These conversations will help kick-start your mind for the day.

I'm fortunate enough to work in a space where social interaction is encouraged. There are many times throughout the day where m co-workers and I are laughing and enjoying our day together.

3. Accept The Blues
The best way to combat the Monday Blues is to recognize they exist!
Don't dwell on the fact that Mondays are hard because that's not going to make Monday go away. It's only going to make your day harder than it has to be.
Accept the fact the Mondays suck and get along with your day! It's only 24 hours, after which your on your way to a carefree weekend! 

How do you deal with the Monday Blues? Share your remedies!
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