Nothing gets you ready for life more than an awesome song. Likewise, nothing can shift your mood life a not so awesome song. Music has the power to affect how we feel and perceive the world. In times of my creative ruts, I log onto the ol' trusty Spotify and find one of their pre-made playlists to help my mind start working.
Current Playlist Fave: Productivity Booster
Creativity and Color are often times one and the same for me. When I feel like I need to create something, it usually means I need to put my thoughts to paper or build something with color. Most recently this has been my paintings. They are, admittedly, amateur at best, BUT the ability to see color and use it create something tangible is such a stimulating and rewarding process, which often leads to a spark of creativity in other aspects of my life.
Fresh Pages = New Opportunities
I am a habitual collector of notebooks. Many of which are not entirely filled. I like to begin a new phase in my life or thought process with a new notebook. Dedicated ONLY to a specific creative goal.
This helps my to stay focused, but also allows me to fill the pages of this new notebook with anything related to the topic. Now that I'm looking to be more creative with my writing and arts endeavors, I have a notebook where I can jot down silly ideas and scribble pictures that come to mind. It's really awesome.
I get a world of inspiration to create via online platforms. My Instagram and Pinterest feeds are always filled with amazing visuals that inspire me to live to the max, create with passions and love unconditionally. One of the greatest aspects of the internet is that is connects individuals with ideas and persons they would not have otherwise known.
Sometimes all you need to do is to step outside of your office or home and just take a look at the world. There are so many things that you can be inspired by. The little old lady who walks her dog every morning or the beauty of a clear afternoon sky. There are endless things that you can use to create your next master piece.
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