
Spring's Harvest

This time of year is one of my favorites for a number of reasons.  Awesome weather, fun Spring events, great fresh local produce . . . . Above them all though Spring is a beautiful representation of the harvest - the fruit to bear after a cold and dark season.

It parallels those times in our lives where we are struggling with ourselves, trying to find a way out of no way. To those times where our heads were down as we worked non-stop for a goal we knew we had to reach. To moments of transition, coming to grips with what it takes to truly become the person we were designed to be. 

Those times often bear the most beautiful fruit. Fruit of self-love, peace and better understanding.

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This Spring look is a representation of the pieces of ourselves that are revealed stronger and better when it comes time to reap our personal harvests.

It may not be a full picture, as we may have more winter’s to weather - but to revel in the strength of who we are today is true happiness.

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