
Finding Friday

This week has been a week of self discovery. Whenever I find myself in some sort of funk, I try to find the light at the end of the tunnel and do things to move me forward. 
So I finally decided to make the leap and purchase #GIRLBOSS, the NY Times Best Seller written by Nasty Gal CEO Sophia Ambruso. I'm about 1/3 of the way through and I am loving the book. Her commentary is bold and honest, just what I need to get the wheels turning towards creating the best life possible for myself doing the things I love.
Needless to say this is a recommended read. For anyone looking to work hard and create the best opportunities for themselves all the while enjoying this crazy ride we call life.
This past weekend I was out and about at my local mall and stumbled upon a Jamba Juice. That's right folks, a freakin' Jamba Juice! Haven't seen one of these beasts in the wild for years. So I walked on over and noticed their menu options included the Acai Bowl. If you know anything about social media food fads, that you know what an Acai Bowl is. 

Like a Chipotle Bowl for those who care about health and nutrition. Acai puree topped with fresh fruits, granola - ya know whatever you like.
I was tempted. But that price of $7 was not agreeing with my spirit so I had to pass. Now normally I will put up the cash for things that I know I cannot recreate at home, but I knew I could make an Acai Bowl at "the house". So I did!
Total noms. . .  totally worth it. Purchased the ingredients for it a my local grocer and voila!
Here's my super quick recipe for making Acai Bowls at home!

1 4 oz. packet unsweetened frozen acai puree
1/2 frozen banana
1/4 cup frozen peaches ( or preferred firm fruit)
1 tablespoon of honey
4 tablespoon liquid ( coconut water, soy milk, etc)
1 tablespoon chia seeds
2 tablespoon unsweetened coconut flakes
3 tablespoons granola
1/4 cup blueberries
1/4 sliced strawberries

Loosen up the frozen acai by running the packet under warm water for 10 seconds and break content into chunks within the packet. Chop the frozen banana and preferred from fruit into small pieces.  Place the acai, frozen banana and fruit and honey into a blender top with liquid and blend until smooth.
Place blended mixture into a bowl and top with chia seeds, coconut flakes, granola, blueberries and strawberries.
Best thing about this recipe is that it's 100% customizable! Add in all of your favorite fruits for an ace bowl that you can fall in love with! 
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