
5 Fall Things

It's here! It's finally here! Is that a cool breeze I feel? Is that a pumpkin spice latte you're carrying?  - It's finally Fall, and I am stoked ( to say the least ).
Florida Fall's can be pretty green when compared to the Northern experience, but that does not stop be from getting my fall on to the max. There are a few things that must happen for Fall to be real.
 In real life, my mama is the queen of homemade candy apples. My childhood is littered with memories of her whipping up these Fall delicacies like a pro. I swear there's a real science behind the perfect one. They are a fall essential.

Not only is the weather perfect for outdoor activity, but there are a number of music and Fall themed festivals that only occur this time of year for you to enjoy.

 Fall is not Fall unless it looks like pumpkin man exploded in your living room. So get to work folks! Purchase a wreath, table runner, candles, table trinkets - whatever you must to ensure your home is the epitome of fall home decor. ( See Martha Stewart Living for details )
 Need I say more? Prepare to emerge on Hallow's Eve with the best costume ever. . . .  ever.  Be sure to share your devastatingly awesome look with your viewers (new via www.maxvisits.com or otherwise)!
I tell you there is nothing a Florida girl loves more then having a valid excuse to wear boots. The time is now.
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